Sex – Digital Kiss Your ultimate guide to sex life! Fri, 20 Jan 2023 18:20:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sex – Digital Kiss 32 32 Where To Get Escorts That Guarantee Satisfaction Fri, 20 Jan 2023 18:20:31 +0000 Every escort in Houston is special so you will always find whatever you want from the polish call girls or busty blonde available at Regardless of what you want, you will always find an escort that can meet all your needs. You may be having a body type or nationality in mind when it comes to escort, but you may also be having some interest in your mind.

The services of the London escorts are different from one area to another. Some girls may be offering Porn star experienced and other can offer party girl experience where you can take her to an event. This is why choosing the escort may take longer. You will be looking to get a girl who looks attractive at the same time, who is able to do what you want her to do.

Some of the girls are capable to offer something, which is more special. When you visit a profile, you can find out that full services have been offered. So you will have to know what it entails. When the escorts do offer the full service, it means that you can order different services. They include the services like WS, BDSM, OWO and 69.

London escort who are able to offer every service you may need, they tend to be just one type. They are open-minded when it comes to the bedroom and they put the satisfaction of the client above other things. This is why they give many services because they would like to make you happy. The girls have also to master some skills to be able to offer these services required by their clients.

When you are dating Houston escort, you are able to plan anything. They are beautiful and young women who likes to attend events and parties. YOU can also take them to the restaurants or to come to your hotel or home. You may hire an escort to come to you every day and you can also do a different activity every day. You may also choose to have a different escort everyday if you want to know what every escort can offer.

You do not have to hire a girl who offers full service always. This is because the client may not be interested in every service possible. Sometime you may want to have only one special service, and you hire a girl who wants to offer it. However, if you want to experience everything the escort can offer, then the best way to get them is to hire Houston escort.

Men, regardless if they are married or not: they decide to visit clients because of many reasons. Some men may decide to visit if their wives do not enjoy sex as it was before or they want to enjoy variety when it comes to having sex. Men also visit the escorts since they are tired to chase girls as their girlfriends. Some men are lonely and the only way to interact with women is through having the escorts. They are men who wish to be cuddled, hugged and the escorts become their healers.

How to have safer sex Fri, 20 Jan 2023 18:07:09 +0000 Before Sex use a new condom every time you have sex – before foreplay, before your penis gets anywhere near any body opening to avoid exposure (to any body fluid that can carry infection). Handle the condom gently.

Put condom on as soon as penis is hard. Be sure rolled-up ring is on the outside. And leave space at the tip to hold semen when you come.

Squeeze tip gently so no air is trapped inside. Hold tip while you unroll condom…all the way down to the hair. If condom doesn’t unroll, it’s on wrong. Throw it away. Start over with a new one.

After sex pull out slowly right after you come, while penis is still hard. Hold condom in place on penis to avoid spilling semen. Turn and move completely away before you let go of condom. Dispose of used condom properly, NOT in the toilet. And no more sex without a new condom. ADVICE FROM THE MAKERS OF TROJAN CONDOMS Safer Sex Guide
This guide focuses on the basics of safer sex, and on how to make whatever precautions you choose feel as pleasurable as possible. Safer sex precautions are obviously not necessary when neither you nor your partner(s) have anything you could transmit to each other (and will be completely safe in your interactions with anyone else during the course of your relationship, and when birth control is not an issue, etc.), but in all other cases your health and peace of mind can be enhanced by playing safely.


The single most effective thing you can do to stay healthy while being sexually active is to use latex condoms for intercourse (whether vaginal or anal). All condoms are not made alike; men should experiment with different brands until they find the one they like best (many men prefer Kimono MicroThins, which also taste fine for fellatio if you get them without Nonoxynol-9). When you put on a condom, pinch its tip as you unroll it (all the way down!) to prevent an air bubble from forming in the reservoir tip. For intercourse, you should then put some water-based lube (such as I-D, ForPlay, Wet, Probe, or Astroglide) on the outside of the condom for comfort, mutual pleasure, and to keep the condom from tearing during sex (some men find that more sensation is transmitted to them if they put a small amount of water-based or silicone-based lube INSIDE the tip of their condom before putting it on). It’s very important for men to hold onto the base of their condom as they withdraw (i.e. after becoming soft) so it doesn’t slip off.

For a while, health experts were recommending that people choose safer sex products with Nonoxynol-9 to protect against HIV transmission; current evidence suggests that Nonoxynol-9 isn’t nearly as effective at HIV prevention as it is at contraception, and if you have a sensitivity or allergy to this substance (as many people do) regular exposure to it might actually decrease your level of protection against HIV by irritating delicate vaginal or (especially) anal tissues.

If a condom fails during vaginal or anal intercourse, the receptive partner shouldn’t douche; if any Nonoxynol-9 contraceptive foam is handy it might help for him or her to insert it and leave it in for about 15 minutes, and it would certainly help to immediately remove the condom from inside the vagina or anus if it was left there. Men can give themselves a little extra protection after potentially being exposed to an STD by immediately visiting the restroom, urinating, and then possibly washing their genitals with an anti-bacterial soap.

It should be obvious that a new condom needs to be used for each new partner, and that condoms should not be reused. Also, if you’re going to switch from anal intercourse to vaginal intercourse, you should put on a new condom to avoid causing vaginal infections.

Oral Sex

Opinions differ on the use of safer-sex barriers for oral sex. It’s clear that herpes can be transmitted from genitals to mouth or mouth to genitals during unprotected oral sex, but some people feel the risk is acceptably low outside of the most infectious period (which starts with the tingling “prodrome” sensations that precede an outbreak, and continues to two weeks after the herpes sores go away). You can on rare occassion pick up a bacterial infection by going down on someone who currently has a bacterial STD (typically Gonorrhea, more rarely Syphillis or Cancroid), but these can generally be cured with antibiotics once they’re identified.

It is clear that the risk of transmitting HIV is much, MUCH lower for unprotected oral sex than for unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse, and that the risk is lower for the person being sucked or licked than for the person doing the sucking or licking. For the person doing the sucking or licking, the risk of transmission is even lower if your gums (and lips/mouth/throat) are healthy, if you don’t let men come in your mouth, and if you don’t perform cunnilingus on a woman while she is menstruating.

Some sex educators recommend NOT flossing or brushing your teeth for two hours before giving unprotected oral sex (use Cool Mint Listerine or some other anti-bacterial mouthwash if you’re concerned about bad breath or just want to freshen up), and others recommend quickly looking over the genitals you’re about to go down on for signs of contagious STDs (including genital warts, which can on rare occassion be transmitted from genitals to mouth). If your policy for performing unprotected fellatio is to not let your partner come in your mouth and he does so anyway, it’s better to immediately spit than to either wait or swallow, and it may help (especially for bacterial STDs) to then go use an anti-bacterial or peroxide mouthwash. Pre-cum can contain HIV, and although not letting men come in your mouth SIGNIFICANTLY reduces your already low risk to even lower levels, if you are concerned about becoming infected via pre-cum while performing fellatio you have two risk-reduction options: not taking the head of his penis in your mouth or using barriers for oral sex.

If you decide that your personal safety standards include barriers for oral sex, then you’ll need to use latex condoms (without Nonoxynol-9) for fellatio, and either saran wrap or one of those “Glyde” dams for cunnilingus (for cunnilingus, put a little water-based lube on your partner’s side of the barrier to increase the sensation transmitted to her). The same barrier techniques used for cunnilingus can also be used for analingus (rimming), where they should be considered essential if the person doing the licking isn’t immunized against hepatitis A or if the person being licked may have a bacterial infection.

Your Hands

7d9e5ce9caIf you’ve had your fingers in someone’s vagina, or had someone come on your hands, then it’s a good idea to wash your hands with hot water and anti-bacterial soap before touching your eyes or anyone else’s genitals. If your skin is compromised in any way, if you want to avoid needing to leave the scene to wash your hands, if you’re going to be engaging in anal fisting or exposing yourself to any blood, or if you just want to be extra-safe, then try using latex “examination” gloves – they’re available at most drug stores.

If you’ve just had your ungloved fingers in somebody’s ass, then you’ll want to be sure to clean your hands particularly thoroughly (especially under your fingernails!) before putting your them in or near your mouth.

Safer Sex Kits

It’s helpful to get a little hip pack for your safer-sex supplies, your smaller bottle of water-based lube, and anything else you commonly use. You might also want to pack a portable toothbrush and a travel-sized toothpaste tube in case you end up staying overnight somewhere.


There are two STDs for which permanent vaccines are available: hepatitis B and hepatitis A. Hepatitis B can be spread easily through intercourse and (less easily) through oral sex or rimming, and hepatitis A is easily spread through rimming. Getting these two vaccinations (which you can do at the same time) would be an excellent idea if you don’t always use barriers for these activities.

“Twilight” and the Sexual Revolution Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:39:39 +0000 They say you think about it every seven seconds. Without it, the world would be desolate, save for the few organisms that can reproduce asexually. Sex is at the center of all life, so why is it so taboo? Why can’t we talk about it in public? Why is HBO the only channel that dares to show a boob? Why are young people, particularly girls, shamed and ostracized for wanting sex? Man’s biological desire and Evangelical sexual repression have been in constant and sometimes violent contention throughout written history. Countless works of literature, including the Bible, aim to make a judgement on the sinfulness or purity of sex. One influential and global example of this is the modern Vampire. Though this creature of the night had innocent folkloric origins, the contemporary Vampire is a metaphor covertly promoting sexual conservatism.

In fiction and folk tales, Vampires have existed in some form or another for almost as long as humans. Before they became a metaphor against human sexuality, the pre-vampire was invented with the intent to scare and entertain. Monsters such as the Lamashtu of Mesopotamia, Manananggal of the Philippines, and Mullo of Romania where created as folk tales, passed on for generations (Molina). These creations of the imagination did not aim to make a social statement. Their qualities were much more gruesome than seductive. The Lamashtu, for example, was described as having “the head of a lion, and the body of a donkey” (Molina). This creature obviously shares no similarities or connection with sex, even symbolically. These tales were as sensational in their time as “Twilight” was a number of years ago, despite their lack of allegorical meaning. In Romania, the story of corpses reanimating to take a snack break upon the living was so popular, the Queen began to push legislation forbidding grave tampering (Molina). Though these old folktales did not yet make a political statement, they were a global sensation, allowing their image to be taken by authors around the world all the while adapting and changing as the phenomena spread around the world.

Although the dawn of the contemporary Vampire can’t be pinpointed to one work of literature, many late nineteenth century works can be credited with some of the most revolutionary changes to the creature. Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula was among the first to create the metaphor between the mythical creature and sex. In his book, Vampires are seductive, so much so that while humans fear them, their deepest instincts fixate them on the creatures. Being bitten by a Vampire was impure, and would change you forever. These qualities along with others are shared with Victorian ideas of sex. One could not want sex, in spite of their instinctual desires, and participating in the act would change you by either poisoning your purity or leaving you with a sexually transmitted disease. Furthermore, more similarities such as the penetration of the bite and the trading of fluids draw sex and Vampirism even closer. The leading creature of the night, Count Dracula, also shared qualities with an individual who has a sexually transmitted infection, particularly one similar to Syphilis. The common symptoms of Syphilis and other severe STDs can usually be characterized by pale, almost translucent skin, dark nail beds, and elongated teeth because of the receding of the gums; these traits, now commonly known characteristics of the Vampire, make their first appearance in Dracula. Given that vampirism is a metaphor for sexual activity, how are we to be certain Stoker is critical of sexuality? Aside from the connection to sexually transmitted diseases, Stoker’s unique version of the Vampire is particularly unholy. For example, the modern vampire’s aversion to crucifixes was invented with the pages ofDracula (Molina). Aside from this and Dracula’s seductive yet sickly demeanor, sex and Vampires are shown to be similarly destructive in stories like Carmilla, which predates Dracula by 26 years. Carmilla used vampires as a metaphor for lesbianism, and it is implied that the violent death of the titular character is punishment for her sexuality (Meslow). After Carmilla andDracula, the path of the vampire has not wavered away from sexual metaphor, but instead refocused its target audience.

The seductive creature of the night has refocused its attention to young adults- particularly young women. This audience is also the target of purity rings, virginity sermons, and other religious and moral efforts to curtail teen sexuality. This is no coincidence. Stephanie Meyer, a devout Mormon and first time author, wrote the novel “Twilight” with the very same metaphor asDracula. Just like in Dracula, the vampire in Twilight seduces and romances a pure and innocent young girl. The vampire, Edward, knows it is “wrong” to bite his human romantic interest, but his instinctual desires provide an immense temptation for him. The parallel here is that young men know it is “wrong” to have sex, but their instinctual desires drive them to think and act against this notion of purity. Furthermore, in another undisguised similarity, Meyer included in her novel that infecting a human with vampirism was not morally wrong in one circumstance. That being the very circumstance that dispels the religious impurity and sinfulness of sex; Edward can infact morally bite Bella if, and only if, they are married. Despite these overt similarities, there are those who disagree with the idea that Twilight was a negative interpretation of sexuality. Scott Meslow argues that the novel goes against the past trend of vampiric conservatism. He claims that Twilight “[uses] the vampire not to push the limits of human sexuality, but to scale them back” (Meslow). His defense is that Edward and Bella’s relationship is not sexual, in contrast with the seduction and explicitly sexual nature of past vampire literature. However, the couple’s chastity is not a hint that Meyer did not intend to draw the metaphor, but rather a result of it. The relationship between sex and marriage is essential to the creation of the allegory. Instead of showing that sex or vampirism before marriage will have disastrous consequences, like in Dracula, Meyer shows that sex or vampirism is okay after marriage. Both are strategies to deter sex before marriage, just with different angles. The young women who are the most likely to read this book will almost certainly have heard Meyer’s message of abstinence before, but what makes Twilight unique is that the audience doesn’t know it’s being preached to. While some of the girls reading the novel may have attended a sermon or listened to their parent’s lectures on purity, Twilight creates an exemplary scenario that reaches them like no other method by showing them that romantic, devoted, handsome young men will love them if they retain their purity until marriage. This message is evident in Twilight regardless of one’s own position on the issue.

While changes have certainly occurred in the meaning of the vampire, the allegory that vampires have become is not inherently harmful to society. Personal religious and moral aversion to sex alone is not harmful. However, the point at which valuing your own personal chastity becomes judgement and damnation upon others is disruptive and antiquated. Educating young people about the dangers of unsafe sex is certainly a great cause, but making teens hate themselves for their natural desires is too far. If we teach boys and girls to value their health and well being instead of their purity, who knows, there may just be a vampire who will love a girl even if she’s already been bitten.

Turn your music up! You must be out of your mind! Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:29:38 +0000 Talking about the relationships…

Figuring out the list of desired qualities in a potential mate is just like trying to read an ingredient list on a menu at a fancy restaurant — No, Cynthia, I don’t know what pommes frites are and I am not sure I want them in my charcuterie plate. Luckily, you don’t have to eat your partner, even though an incautious choice of a mate could still make you nauseated. General psychology talks about five important qualities that could be combined to a more or less tolerable human being. Here they are in order of importance.

First in the list is extraversion. We all know and like that guy who cracks jokes and makes every party a blast. Unfortunately, the statistics show that this very guy is highly likely to follow up his joke with drunk driving or wife abandonment. While being open and merry with the world leads to a greater social network, the associated risks may overweight the benefits. Hence, a tip for the ladies — marry a nerd; he only goes out to explore in World of Warcraft, and why do you care if he thinks he is a dwarf anyway?

Next trait on the menu is a big one. It is also as hard to spell as a dessert name from a french restaurant — neuroticism. Remember the girlfriend who was always giving you shit? Aye, Capitan, that’s your practical experience with overlooking important qualities associated with neuroticism, such as anxiety, concern, guilt, wariness and depression. If a person threshold for feeling stress equal to that of a 3-year-old for wanting a new toy, bad things will follow. She may get jealous from imagining you flirting with other women, or she may suffer from chronic stress, depression and other devastating mental disorders that can lead to physical health issues, less the relentless worry, suspicion, and neediness. This is the kind of girlfriend who will drive to your house and break your car windows because you haven’t returned her one thousand first text message the very second she sent it.

We are down to number three — conscientiousness. Conscientious is when your partner really fucking means what they say. A quality, demonstrated through trustworthiness, self-discipline and the sense of duty, is the one that will bless your relationship if your girlfriend possesses it. The only downside is that she is likely not to have sex with anyone but you, then again, you don’t mind, do you?

Conscientiousness goes hand in hand with agreeableness. Crazy people don’t usually agree with you unless you are telling them that they are not crazy. Remember how your argument went the last time you tried to convince your jealous-ridden girlfriend that you were really out with the fellas? Yeap, she stabbed you with a fork. Agreeableness is associated with empathy, trust, perspective taking and general consensus seeking. There are many ways to resolve an argument in a relationship — you can scream, break dishes, get a divorce, have sex, talk shit or you can just sit down and discuss the issues. You know, the good old “when you did X, I felt Y, I would rather you do Z” from Emotional Intelligence, which today is like a postcard from your grandpa with a relationship advice — just spank her with a stick thinner than your thumb. Everyone knows about it, but no one applies. The downside of strong agreeableness is yet again a low sexual partner count, which is nice, isn’t it?

Openness. Yes, you made it to the fifth and the last one. Openness is like a gym’s shower — it’s nice to be clean, but you have to look at other naked dudes. Here is why. Being open to the world and experiences may be caused by two qualities — creativity or psychosis. If the source lies in creativity, it’s all good. If it lies in psychosis, you get to look at naked man showering their genitalia. The difference is especially noticeable when open girlfriend either playing Mozart or twisting squirrels’ heads in your backyard.

With that we end our survey of delicious mate qualities, so now when you look at the menu, you won’t be second guessing if that shit is good for you. Should you fancy to read more, refer to a book by Geher & Miller — Mating Intelligence.

Eating the Forbidden Fruit: Why We Need More Sex in Literature Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:27:29 +0000 I can vividly remember watchingTop Gun with my family. I was only ten years old, and the moment Take My Breath Awaystarted playing and the on-screen kissing began, my mother quickly covered my eyes. The memory makes me laugh as much as it makes me cringe. I had been curious about sex from an early age, and her attempts to suppress my exposure to it only made me more so. Regrettably, by leading young people to think that sex is forbidden or shameful, they’re effectively being taught that there’s something inherently wrong, not only with the act itself but also the natural desires that come with adolescence. Yet sex is life force. Next to love itself, sex is one of the greatest connectors between people.We don’t just have sex to have babies. Sex can remind us of what’s good in life, regenerating that life force which becomes dulled by the daily demands of our lives.

A very large part of the problem with children’s understanding of sex and sexuality today, as Peggy Orenstein recently noted, is that the visual imagery of sex, especially porn, which is now more prevalent and accessible than ever, leads girls as well as boys to view sex as purely performance.

On the contrary, the more we enable sex to figure in the pages of fictional stories, the more we can potentially see it in a greater, more holistic context, and the more we can aid young women’s and men’s understanding of true and meaningful sex.

I’m not advocating using fiction to teach sex, but rather to inspire a greater version of it. The more open we can be about sex in literature, including young adult books (think Judy Blume’s Forever), the more able we will be to push the conversation further so that sex doesn’t have to be something that is “taboo” or makes us laugh nervously or worse, something that puts women, including young women, in a position of pure subservience to their male counterparts.

What we really need is a portrayal of sex in literature that is consensual, respectful and equal. And yet, the very stories that feature the most sex, namely those in the Romance genre, depict it in a misogynistic and almost always one-sided way, singularly focused on male pleasure and need. Take for example two bestselling Romance books. In one, the Alpha-Male Gazillionaire extorts sex from a woman who can’t afford her brother’s healthcare, only to wind-up falling in love with her because she’s so amazing and giving (ahem). In the other, the male character (MC in Romance speak) treats his ex dismissively and engages in forcible revenge sex because she lied to him about her age.

Like porn leading girls to view sex as performance, the mainstream “mommy porn” that has long been pervasive — even before the huge commercial success of Fifty Shades of Grey — has an extremely negative effect on women of all ages who consume these books. These Romance writers, nearly all of whom are women, continue to reinforce the patriarchal fantasy that sex means love and love means marriage and marriage means babies. Or even worse, that sex means sacrifice.

But the truth is that sex doesn’t have to make a person fall in love. Sex for the sake of sex and pleasure can be great and is an essential step in coming into what I call True Sexual Openness, which to me is complete sexual communion with another.

Yet there’s no way we will be able to get there if we cannot own that which is most natural and vital to ourselves as a whole — the sexual being that resides in all of us, male and female. So long as there are efforts to censor and repress this natural element that makes us human in a fun, beautiful way, the interpretations of sex and how they are acted out in the world will be both dark and insidious.

The power of literature lies in the fact that, unlike the static visual imagery of pictures from the magazine pages to billboards, or the often awkward on-screen portrayal of sex in TV and film to the highly aggressive portrayal in porn, words have the ability to communicate perspective, sensation and emotion — words that can describe in beautiful detail the arousal, the intimacy, the experience, and the intensity of sex. Words that can evoke the sensuous climb to orgasm of a woman, with a focus on her distinct joy and pleasure.

What is needed now more than ever, as we confront yet another generation of young women being objectified and sexualized in media, is an honest, open, and frank discussion about sex. We cannot allow today’s young women to follow in the footsteps of the older generation of women who cling to the fantasies in Romance stories because these stories reflect their own experiences of suppression. The sooner we mainstream an honest, realistic, healthy and balanced portrayal of sex in literature, the better off future generations will be with regard to how they view and approach sex.

In the Beginning Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:19:32 +0000 I first stepped foot into the world of BDSM at a nightclub, of all places, and it was on the receiving end of a flogger. It was a gothic/industrial nightclub which had some lifestyle BDSM folks making a few extra bucks on the weekends flogging curious/drunk/dared college students.

I wasn’t a college student at the time (that period of my life came much later), but I was the same age as most traditional college students. I had the requisite amount of inhibition-lowering alcohol flowing through my veins, and I was subjected to a dare.

The person handling the flogger was attractive. The dare was annoyingly challenging. The alcohol was working. And I soon found myself without a shirt, bound by the wrists, facing a crowd of people just as curious as I was.

Then it began.

I hate to use the phrase “hurt so good,” but that is probably the most apt description, truth told. The flogger (the person, not the whip) kept asking if I wanted to keep going. I kept saying yes. I was up there in front of that drunken audience for an eternity, yet no time at all. I lost track of everything except that delicious feel of leather on my back, my chest.

The flogger finally called a stop to it, much to my displeasure— and promptly gave me a phone number with the admonition to call sometime very soon so we could continue. I didn’t. But that night was burned into more than my flesh.

Within months, I was searching for my next fix, and I found the perfect mentor and guide deeper into the world of BDSM on AOL. Yes, AOL.

That is when my actual training began, and that was when I found that while I could very well participate in a more submissive role (I, to this day, ache for the feel a flogger in the hand of a proper wielder of said torture device), I actually skewed very strongly towards the dominant end of the D/S spectrum.

That’s a story for another time.

My question to you, dear reader, whether you are a lovely submissive or sensual Dominant, what was your first introduction to the world of BDSM?
